L'altro giorno ho finito le ultime pagine del terzo libro della saga "The Hunger Games". Ho cominciato il primo sotto consiglio di mio fratello ( le uniche cose che legge di solito sono "portata massima 4 persone" e qualche titolo di film se deve scegliere di guardare un dvd, per cui ho pensato che la trilogia della Collins meritasse davvero se, a consigliarmelo, era stato proprio lui ) e l' ho trovato piacevole, per cui ho continuato con il secondo ed infine con il terzo.
Nulla di davvero eclatante, nel senso, la storia è stata piacevole, la lettura molto scorrevole , ma.. non so bene come esprimermi.. Non posso dire che non mi abbia lasciato nulla, anzi, appena ho finito la trilogia sono caduta, come al solito, in depressione da "ho letto un bel racconto ed ora la mia vita è finita", ma suppongo sia più per il finale della trilogia che per la storia di per se.
Leggendo il terzo libro ho appreso una negazione (?): la versione cinematografica, per farci entrare tutto, dovrebbe essere divisa in due film. Allo stesso tempo ho capito che, dividendo in due il volume, il secondo film sarebbe "lento" e senza colpi di scena. Dico "lento" tra le virgolette per una semplice ragione: la Collins sembra che abbia avuto fretta di finire l' ultimo capitolo. Nella versione cinematografica, però, questa iper velocità darebbe l'effetto contrario. Allo stesso modo, però, se il film fosse solo uno si perderebbe l' attenzione del pubblico dalla morte della sorella della protagonista in poi.
Il modo di scrivere dell'autrice è scorrevole, devo ribadirlo, e nonostante io abbia trovato la trama piacevole, non penso che il racconto mi avrebbe lasciato qualcosa se fosse finito diversamente.
Sicuramente non mi sto spiegando: il fatto che l'autrice abbia avuto "fretta di finire" la trilogia mi ha sia innervosito che affascinato. Un finale simile sarebbe stato sicuramente migliore se fosse stato approfondito ( nel senso, dalla morte di Prim sembra di stare in un flashback di confusione, dove nulla ha importanza. A quel punto ci si rende conto che le pagine sono quasi finite ma, allo stesso tempo, non viene da porsi domande su "cosa farà succedere ora l' autrice?", "come può la storia concludersi decentemente in così poche pagine?" )ma, allo stesso tempo, se la Collins si fosse dilungata, forse a me la trilogia non avrebbe lasciato nulla.
Sembra tutto un po' campato in aria, come se le idee si fossero esaurite, come se l'autrice dovesse assolutamente rispettare una data di scadenza troppo vicina e non posticipabile. L' epilogo stesso sembra svolgersi all' interno di un enorme flashback, da la sensazione di essersi svegliati da un lungo sonno, quando si tenta di distinguere la realtà dal sogno, come se ci trovassimo dentro una bolla in cui nulla può raggiungerci.
Oddio, fondamentalmente ne sto parlando male per parlarne bene (?): se tutto questo non ci fosse stato, se la Collins avesse descritto minuziosamente ogni minima cosa come chiunque, secondo me, si sarebbe aspettato da lei, ora non sarei soddisfatta. Perchè io sono soddisfatta.
Lo dimostra il mio essere entrata nella depressione sopra citata.
Non è un buon modo di terminare un libro, solitamente manda in confusione, sembra che manchi qualcosa, lascia insoddisfatti. Allo stesso tempo, se "The Hunger Games" fosse finito in maniera esaustiva, sarebbe diventato una lettura piacevole ma nulla di più.
Alla fine della fiera, a me la trilogia è piaciuta ( soprattutto grazie al finale, ok, ma è piaciuta! A volte bisogna avere la visione d'insieme per capire se una cosa ci piace davvero o meno!) e, per cui, la consiglio a tutti. Sono felice di aver visto prima i due film già usciti e di aver letto dopo l' intera trilogia, ma d'altronde è come al solito! Se avessi letto prima i libri, sicuramente i film mi avrebbero fatto schifo ( oddio, non sono nella lista "film preferiti", ma sono guardabili e scorrevoli ).
Ho deciso di scrivere il post in italiano perchè.. non c'è un perchè. E' comodo.
giovedì 5 giugno 2014
sabato 31 maggio 2014
Puppets and Books ( Eng )
I have created two other fetishes, in this period. Lately I need to do something constantly ( I always get up early to do the housework, I do a lot more exercise and I read whenever I can).
It's a Mweeh period, unfortunately. I have to cheer myself up!
Fight, Adora! Fight!
In spite of everything, people are very good and patient with me. Me and my boyfriend started to build a lot of things, and today gave me two books ( last number of Harry Potter - I asked him to lend it to me, last time - and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ). He's really very kind to me..
Basically, there aren't news. I began to see "Tales from the Crypt." It 's fun! I like short stories ('cause, when I do the treadmill, it's nice to look at something on tv, but unfortunately there's nothing interesting usually).
I saw Misa, Lupus and other people, these days (Gwaa! A lot of people) but, in the end, the evening I prefer to have as little contact as possible with the people (ahah!).
I found this image that show exactly how my concept of things is!
Yeah,one day I'll die alone.
Now I'll finish reading the last chapter of the saga "The Hunger Games", and after .. well, I don't know what I'll do later, ok??
It's a Mweeh period, unfortunately. I have to cheer myself up!
Fight, Adora! Fight!
In spite of everything, people are very good and patient with me. Me and my boyfriend started to build a lot of things, and today gave me two books ( last number of Harry Potter - I asked him to lend it to me, last time - and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ). He's really very kind to me..
Basically, there aren't news. I began to see "Tales from the Crypt." It 's fun! I like short stories ('cause, when I do the treadmill, it's nice to look at something on tv, but unfortunately there's nothing interesting usually).
I saw Misa, Lupus and other people, these days (Gwaa! A lot of people) but, in the end, the evening I prefer to have as little contact as possible with the people (ahah!).
I found this image that show exactly how my concept of things is!
Yeah,one day I'll die alone.
Now I'll finish reading the last chapter of the saga "The Hunger Games", and after .. well, I don't know what I'll do later, ok??
martedì 27 maggio 2014
Winds of Change - The Ballad of the 20 ( Eng )
I changed the disposition of things in my room, in these days (dunno why, I did it while I waited for my mother to wake up).
Ok, not a great changing, but now my room seems largest than before.
I put Violet - the headless dummy - on my "nightstand" and, in front of it, I put the mirror frame (without mirror) where I keep my junk. These things were hidden behind the door (where, now, there's my stender).
Ok, not a great changing, but now my room seems largest than before.
I put Violet - the headless dummy - on my "nightstand" and, in front of it, I put the mirror frame (without mirror) where I keep my junk. These things were hidden behind the door (where, now, there's my stender).
Look! There are also colors! :D
What more? Well, Misa is 20 years old, now! We ate pizza and a tasteless tiramisu, for celebrate ( ahahah, I love people on a diet! ). I still have give her a gift (she is one of the few people who receive gifts from me). We are friends since 2007, more or less. Our friendship is the most durable I've ever had. When I knew her, she was only 13 and was still in middle school!
One day, I didn't want to go to school (I attended art school), so I have passed in front of her school 'cause I had to wait another fellows with no desire to study. She only knew who I was 'cause, in the city of our schools, I was pretty popular because of the style (small town, big voices), but she didn't knew me in person. That day, without a real reason, she wanted to come with us.
She was funny! I had pink hair, she had red hair. She had bands t-shirts, I had ripped band t-shirts. We were made for each other!
She initially worried me. I didn't speak, she spoke for three!
I kept asking myself if she was breathing, between one word and another. I never knew a person that spoke so much!
Unfortunately, I have only this pic from 2007 of us. It's really lol!
Thanks for endurance, Misa! It's not easy live with me. I hope to stay with you for much more time.. <3
mercoledì 14 maggio 2014
Il lupo e l' Adora ( Ita )
Poichè non ho ancora trovato una persona in grado di tenere una videocamera in mano, il tutorial salterà nuovamente in attesa di persone valide e prive di parkinson.
Coooomunque! Questo post sarà totalmente e unicamente in italiano per una semplice ragione:
Beh, in realtà per due!
Non averebbe avuto senso scrivere in inglese, se la lingua del video non è quella.
Come avrete potuto constatare, Lupus è passato a salutarmi ( e a portarmi una maglietta dell' OVS con un gigaKermit stampato su quello che in casa mia viene definito "il davanti della maglia" xD ), ho passato un pomeriggio divertente ( quella che storpio è "You can leave your hat on" di Joe Cocker - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMTu86K-IhI -. E' incredibile come certe canzoni ti si infilino nel cervello costringendoti a canticchiarle o storpiarle! ).
Anyway, grazie mille Lupus! :3
A momenti attaccherò l' hard disk per togliere un pò di fuffa dal computer ( ci vorranno ore, per cui nel mezzo dell' operazione ne approfitterò per fare esercizio ) e cercherò di mettermi in contatto con Misa per il pomeriggio, per cui vi saluto!
Coooomunque! Questo post sarà totalmente e unicamente in italiano per una semplice ragione:
Beh, in realtà per due!
Non averebbe avuto senso scrivere in inglese, se la lingua del video non è quella.
Come avrete potuto constatare, Lupus è passato a salutarmi ( e a portarmi una maglietta dell' OVS con un gigaKermit stampato su quello che in casa mia viene definito "il davanti della maglia" xD ), ho passato un pomeriggio divertente ( quella che storpio è "You can leave your hat on" di Joe Cocker - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMTu86K-IhI -. E' incredibile come certe canzoni ti si infilino nel cervello costringendoti a canticchiarle o storpiarle! ).
Anyway, grazie mille Lupus! :3
A momenti attaccherò l' hard disk per togliere un pò di fuffa dal computer ( ci vorranno ore, per cui nel mezzo dell' operazione ne approfitterò per fare esercizio ) e cercherò di mettermi in contatto con Misa per il pomeriggio, per cui vi saluto!
venerdì 9 maggio 2014
Failed Tutorial ( Eng )
Today, I asked Misa to film me while I did a tutorial ( for those who don't know what I talk about, here is the link for the last post I wrote: http://gothadora.blogspot.it/2014/05/dread-with-sewing-thread-eng-ita.html ).
The tutorial is really horrible ( Misa said "Thanks" right now! ), I just extracted some photos from the video.
Sorry Misa, you're not able to record! xD
In weekend, I'll ask to my boyfriend to record my tutorial.
Now, my hair is like in the pictures ( lol! look at that scaffolding of junk that I have! ).
Be patient, the tutorial is coming.
Today I bought a present for Mother's Day with my father. I can't say what it is, but I can say that it's wonderful! :D
My father bought me even two rings. He was very cuddly.. <3
Well, see ya to the next post ( where there will be the tutorial, I hope! ).
The tutorial is really horrible ( Misa said "Thanks" right now! ), I just extracted some photos from the video.
Sorry Misa, you're not able to record! xD
In weekend, I'll ask to my boyfriend to record my tutorial.
Now, my hair is like in the pictures ( lol! look at that scaffolding of junk that I have! ).
Be patient, the tutorial is coming.
Today I bought a present for Mother's Day with my father. I can't say what it is, but I can say that it's wonderful! :D
My father bought me even two rings. He was very cuddly.. <3
Well, see ya to the next post ( where there will be the tutorial, I hope! ).
giovedì 8 maggio 2014
"Dread with sewing thread" ( Eng - Ita )
Yesterday, Adora had a flash of genius (and a lot of boredom), so she took gel, colored sewing threads, and various junk, and she did these:
*Dance of Creativity*
It's not difficult. We must only take a lock of hair and put gel on it. Later, we must take the colored sewing thread, cut it so that its length is twice or three times the length of the lock of hair, fold it up to the lenght of the hair and make a node close to the hairline ( I hope I was clear! ). After that, we must only cover the hair strand with the sewing thread, as we like.
Anyway, in the next post I will make a tutorial, so don't panic!
Ieri Adora ha avuto un lampo di genio ( ed un sacco di noia ), così ha preso il gel, dei fili colorati da cucito e del ciarpame vario, e ha fatto queste:
*Danza della Creatività*
Non è difficile. Bisogna solo prendere una ciocca di capelli e ricoprirla di gel. Dopodichè, bisogna prendere il filo colorato, tagliarlo in modo che la sua lunghezza sia doppia o tripla rispetto la lunghezza della ciocca, ripiegarlo in modo da tornare ad avere la lunghezza dei capelli e fare un nodo vicino all' attaccatura dei capelli ( spero di essere stata chiara! ). Dopo questo, bisogna solo ricoprire la ciocca con il filo colorato a seconda dei nostri gusti.
Comunque nel prossimo post caricherò un tutorial, per cui niente panico! xD
Yesterday, Adora had a flash of genius (and a lot of boredom), so she took gel, colored sewing threads, and various junk, and she did these:
*Dance of Creativity*
It's not difficult. We must only take a lock of hair and put gel on it. Later, we must take the colored sewing thread, cut it so that its length is twice or three times the length of the lock of hair, fold it up to the lenght of the hair and make a node close to the hairline ( I hope I was clear! ). After that, we must only cover the hair strand with the sewing thread, as we like.
Anyway, in the next post I will make a tutorial, so don't panic!
Ieri Adora ha avuto un lampo di genio ( ed un sacco di noia ), così ha preso il gel, dei fili colorati da cucito e del ciarpame vario, e ha fatto queste:
*Danza della Creatività*
Non è difficile. Bisogna solo prendere una ciocca di capelli e ricoprirla di gel. Dopodichè, bisogna prendere il filo colorato, tagliarlo in modo che la sua lunghezza sia doppia o tripla rispetto la lunghezza della ciocca, ripiegarlo in modo da tornare ad avere la lunghezza dei capelli e fare un nodo vicino all' attaccatura dei capelli ( spero di essere stata chiara! ). Dopo questo, bisogna solo ricoprire la ciocca con il filo colorato a seconda dei nostri gusti.
Comunque nel prossimo post caricherò un tutorial, per cui niente panico! xD
martedì 6 maggio 2014
Another Visits ( Eng )
I have just returned from Pavia, where me and my family, once a year, have general medical visits. Nothing to worry about, anyway! I don't like hospitals, but the center of Pavia has the best crew of doctors, here in Italy ( well, I hope! ).
I also had to make an eye examination. My pupils are shrinking just now!
I look like a junkie, my Gosh! D:
Gwaa! I don't like pain, believe it or not, and the eye drops that the nurse put in my eyes, well, burned a lot!
She even laughed, that sadistic! D:
I would have to do the orthopedic examination, but I haven't had the courage ( yeah, Adora is a scaredy-cat! ), in addition, the visit would had been at 3 pm. I didn't want to wait until then.
Next time, in October 2015.
I also discovered that I took 1 kg and 1 cm height, from last year!
*Dance of Expansion*
Now I must go with Lizzie in the garden. Have a nice day!
I also had to make an eye examination. My pupils are shrinking just now!
I look like a junkie, my Gosh! D:
Gwaa! I don't like pain, believe it or not, and the eye drops that the nurse put in my eyes, well, burned a lot!
She even laughed, that sadistic! D:
I would have to do the orthopedic examination, but I haven't had the courage ( yeah, Adora is a scaredy-cat! ), in addition, the visit would had been at 3 pm. I didn't want to wait until then.
Next time, in October 2015.
I also discovered that I took 1 kg and 1 cm height, from last year!
*Dance of Expansion*
Now I must go with Lizzie in the garden. Have a nice day!
lunedì 5 maggio 2014
The Dentist - Part 3 ( Eng - Ita )
And, here we are, to the third episode of "Adventure to the Dentist"!
I filled two teeth and the next time, I would have to remove one, but I'll postpone removal to fill another tooth.
As always, the dentist was very patient with me and, to celebrate the filling, my mother and I ate a mega cheesebaconsaladketchupburger, today!
*Dance of Masochism*
However, it is her fault! A good mother would not allow me to eat crap!
Ed eccoci al terzo episodio di "Avventura dal dentista"!
Oggi ho fatto otturare due denti e la prossima volta avrei dovuto toglierne uno, ma dovrò posticipare la rimozione per far riempire un altro dente.
Come sempre il dentista è stato molto paziente con me e, per celebrare "il riempimento", io e mia madre abbiamo pranzato con un mega cheesepancettainsalataketchupburger, oggi!
*Danza del Masochismo*
Comunque è colpa sua! Una buona madre non mi avrebbe permesso di mangiare schifezze!
And, here we are, to the third episode of "Adventure to the Dentist"!
I filled two teeth and the next time, I would have to remove one, but I'll postpone removal to fill another tooth.
As always, the dentist was very patient with me and, to celebrate the filling, my mother and I ate a mega cheesebaconsaladketchupburger, today!
*Dance of Masochism*
However, it is her fault! A good mother would not allow me to eat crap!
Ed eccoci al terzo episodio di "Avventura dal dentista"!
Oggi ho fatto otturare due denti e la prossima volta avrei dovuto toglierne uno, ma dovrò posticipare la rimozione per far riempire un altro dente.
Come sempre il dentista è stato molto paziente con me e, per celebrare "il riempimento", io e mia madre abbiamo pranzato con un mega cheesepancettainsalataketchupburger, oggi!
*Danza del Masochismo*
Comunque è colpa sua! Una buona madre non mi avrebbe permesso di mangiare schifezze!
sabato 3 maggio 2014
Sunglasses Case ( Eng - Ita )
In these days, me and my boyfriend built a "Sunglasses Case".
I found a board of plywood, cleaning the cellar. Obviously, Adora did't throw anything away, so she thought to build something.
With the partecipation of Mugiwara ( who lent tools ), we cut the plywood, colored it with tempera ( sponging it ) and we have attached an elastic material with the staple gun.
Not a great pic, but ehi! My hallway is shrouded in darkness!
Ahah, those silver glasses!
Today, me, Mugiwara and Misa watched the second part of "Indiana Jones" trilogy. Nice movies, even if I don't like so much unreal stories.
Well, me and Misa will eat. So have a nice saturday night!
In questi giorni, io e il mio ragazzo abbiamo costruito un "appendi occhiali".
Ho trovato una tavola di compensato, pulendo la cantina. Ovviamente, Adora non butta niente, così ha pensato di costruirci qualcosa.
Con la partecipazione di Mugiwara ( che ci ha messo gli attrezzi ), abbiamo tagliato il compensato, lo abbiamo colorato con le tempere ( facendo le spugnature ) e abbiamo attaccato un materiale elastico con la spara graffette.
Non è una bellissima immagine, ma ehi! Il mio corridoio è avvolto dall' oscurità!
Ahah, quegli occhiali argento!
Oggi io, Mugiwara e Misa abbiamo guardato la seconda parte della trilogia di "Indiana Jones". Bel film, anche se non mi piacciono molto le storie irreali.
Beh, ora io e Misa mangeremo, per cui passate un buon sabato sera!
In these days, me and my boyfriend built a "Sunglasses Case".
I found a board of plywood, cleaning the cellar. Obviously, Adora did't throw anything away, so she thought to build something.
With the partecipation of Mugiwara ( who lent tools ), we cut the plywood, colored it with tempera ( sponging it ) and we have attached an elastic material with the staple gun.
(Look! A phantom hand!)
Not a great pic, but ehi! My hallway is shrouded in darkness!
Ahah, those silver glasses!
Today, me, Mugiwara and Misa watched the second part of "Indiana Jones" trilogy. Nice movies, even if I don't like so much unreal stories.
Well, me and Misa will eat. So have a nice saturday night!
In questi giorni, io e il mio ragazzo abbiamo costruito un "appendi occhiali".
Ho trovato una tavola di compensato, pulendo la cantina. Ovviamente, Adora non butta niente, così ha pensato di costruirci qualcosa.
Con la partecipazione di Mugiwara ( che ci ha messo gli attrezzi ), abbiamo tagliato il compensato, lo abbiamo colorato con le tempere ( facendo le spugnature ) e abbiamo attaccato un materiale elastico con la spara graffette.
(Lol! Una mano fantasma!)
Ahah, quegli occhiali argento!
Oggi io, Mugiwara e Misa abbiamo guardato la seconda parte della trilogia di "Indiana Jones". Bel film, anche se non mi piacciono molto le storie irreali.
Beh, ora io e Misa mangeremo, per cui passate un buon sabato sera!
lunedì 28 aprile 2014
The Dentist - Part 2 ( Eng - Ita )
Nothing has changed: Adora is more scared of the dentist!
Today I went in the dental office (the last time, I ran away in fear! haha).. I'm supposed to remove a wisdom tooth, next time, and fill two teeth ( I'm not sure that the right word is "fill"! D: May there be forgiveness for the word! ).
Now I have pain in the gums, but the dentist and his assistants were very kind to me ( and, above all, patient! xD).
Soon, Misa will come (she went to Riccione at the weekend! I like Misa! She's diesel weasel!).. Someone made her suffer, I want to be supportive, for which I salute you.
No one can hurt my Misa!
Nulla è cambiato: Adora è ancora più spaventata dal dentista!
Oggi sono andata allo studio dentistico ( l'ultima volta sono scappata via terrorizzata! Ahah).. Dovrei ar rimuovere un dente del giudizio, la prossima volta, e otturare due denti.
Ora ho male alle gengive, ma il dentista e le sue assistenti sono stati davvero gentili con me ( e, soprattutto, pazienti! xD)
A momenti arriverà Misa ( è andata a Riccione nel weekend! Mi piace Misa! E' ganza!).. Qualcuno l'ha fatta soffrire, per cui voglio esserle di supporto. Per questo ora vi saluto.
Nessuno può fare del male alla mia Misa!
Nothing has changed: Adora is more scared of the dentist!
Today I went in the dental office (the last time, I ran away in fear! haha).. I'm supposed to remove a wisdom tooth, next time, and fill two teeth ( I'm not sure that the right word is "fill"! D: May there be forgiveness for the word! ).
Now I have pain in the gums, but the dentist and his assistants were very kind to me ( and, above all, patient! xD).
Soon, Misa will come (she went to Riccione at the weekend! I like Misa! She's diesel weasel!).. Someone made her suffer, I want to be supportive, for which I salute you.
No one can hurt my Misa!
Nulla è cambiato: Adora è ancora più spaventata dal dentista!
(Eccoti un telefono. Chiama qualcuno a cui interessi.)
Oggi sono andata allo studio dentistico ( l'ultima volta sono scappata via terrorizzata! Ahah).. Dovrei ar rimuovere un dente del giudizio, la prossima volta, e otturare due denti.
Ora ho male alle gengive, ma il dentista e le sue assistenti sono stati davvero gentili con me ( e, soprattutto, pazienti! xD)
A momenti arriverà Misa ( è andata a Riccione nel weekend! Mi piace Misa! E' ganza!).. Qualcuno l'ha fatta soffrire, per cui voglio esserle di supporto. Per questo ora vi saluto.
Nessuno può fare del male alla mia Misa!
(io non so chi siete, ma vi troverò e voi mi ucciderete)
sabato 26 aprile 2014
And Here's the News ( Eng - Ita )
From now on, my posts will be both in English and in Italian (Yep, I like to complicate things!).
*Dance of Masochism*
From now on, my posts will be both in English and in Italian (Yep, I like to complicate things!).
*Dance of Masochism*
Hi guys!
These days, Adora had nothing to do, so she decided to put things away and clean the house!
*Another dance of Masochism*
Yeah, but not only! She finally attacked the poster of KH2 (after putting in place the "Nerd location")! :D
It was a nightmare! D:
I have too many VHS, and too many videogames! I have also found a way to keep in order the wires of the consoles ( you can see it there, on the right in the pic.. Not very nice to look at, but really functional! ) and, again, not only! I was seized by a creative genius (or maybe it was that I had a sock alone) and I made a puppet!
it's disturbing, doesn't it? :D
( Ok, I'm not very proud of this, but it was the first time I built a puppet! )
When I finished cleaning / building things, I have begun to "improve" other. Cleaning, I found an old Digimon's coloring book and this is the result:
Gwaa ahah! Joe looks like an alternative lesbian! :D
Uhm, probably I should tell more, but now I can't think of anything else! Well, have a nice saturday night!
D'ora in avanti, i miei post saranno sia in inglese che in italiano ( si, mi piace complicare le cose! )
*Danza del Masochismo*
Hi guys!
In questi giorni Adora non aveva nulla da fare, per cui ha deciso di mettere a posto e di pulire la casa!
*Altra danza del Masochismo*
Ebbene si, ma non solo! Finalmente ha attaccato il poster di KH2 ( dopo aver messo in ordine la "postazione Nerd")! :D
E' stato un incubo! D:
Ho troppe VHS e troppi videogiochi! Ho anche trovato un modo di tenere i n ordine i cavi delle varie console ( potete vederlo lassù, sulla destra nella foto.. Non è molto bello da vedere, ma è funzionale! ) e, ancora, non solo! Sono stata colta da un estro creativo ( o forse era semplicemente il fatto di avere un solo calzino ) e ho creato un pupazzo!
Non è inquietante? :D
(Ok, non sono davvero fiera di questo, ma era la prima volta che ne costruivo uno! )
Quando ho finito di pulire/costruire oggetti, ho cominciato a "migliorarne" altri. Ho trovato un vecchio albo da colorare dei Digimon e questo è il risultato:
Gwaa ahah! Joe sembra una lesbica alternativa! :D
Uhm, probabilmente dovrei aggiungere altro, ma non mi viene in mente nulla! Beh, buon sabato sera!
sabato 12 aprile 2014
Disney (de)Generation
When I was child I was very lucky: my father, as now, was a big fan of movies, videogames and musics. Growing, I got his own passions. My favorite movies, obviously, were from Disney, from that awesome world of magic, animals and catchy songs. There were thieves, mermaids, "mice child saving", heroes, toys, savages and more and each character was personified really well, each enemy was perfectly structured. And the songs? Wow! Funny and wonderful, those were that kind of songs people can't forget! Songs like "Hakuna Matata".. Lol! Just Kidding! I HATE that song! °^°
I meant.. Songs like "Be prepared" of The Lion King, or, why not, "Part of your world" of The little Mermaid.. Oh, and don't forget the Genie's songs, from Aladdin, and.. talking of soundtracks, who don't remember "To die for" in Mufasa's death scene, in The Lion King? And "And He Shall Smite the Wicked" from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", the intro of Beauty and the Beast, "Listen With Your Heart" from Pocahontas?
Well guys, I could continue to infinity ( and beyond )!
In short, Disney movies have influenced my whole generation, I think, with all those things.
And here we are: Disney ( and Pixar ) surprised me yet by producing "Up" and "Wall-e", few years ago and now, with its "Frozen", Disney surprised me again.. In negatively.
"The Princess and the Frog".. well, ok, nice plot, bad songs, but ehi! Can happen! But Disney, with Frozen, ( as with "Bolt", "Cars" and second or third numbers generally of big classics ) let me down.
I don't quote "The Brave" for one reason: as Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland", the basic ideas were good, the development has been poor.
But, ehi! Disney didn't just cartoons, it has also done films and, in fact, I feel compelled to mention in a negative way of the kind of irony that it spreads everywhere ( yeah, the same irony that there's in "Pirates of the Carribean", in "The Avengers", in "The Sorcerer's Apprendice" etc etc ).
Disney is changed. Just look at the cartoons, once the Disney cartoons had plots / irony / characters / songs that fascinated young and old. Now, however, in my opinion, the Disney cartoons are created for a public outrageously childish.
If disney had a chart, would be almost as this:
Lol, ok, I'm exaggerating! Probably the great ideas to make great movies are over..That's all! xD
I miss the old Disney movies ( well, not those! I can see them whenever I want! xD I meant that I miss that way of making films )..
"Adora, wake up and smell the hummus!"
New movies will come! There will be, at least, some good title in the bunch! No panic!
*"No-panic" walk*
I'll restart up the discussion again next time.. Have a nice saturday night!
I meant.. Songs like "Be prepared" of The Lion King, or, why not, "Part of your world" of The little Mermaid.. Oh, and don't forget the Genie's songs, from Aladdin, and.. talking of soundtracks, who don't remember "To die for" in Mufasa's death scene, in The Lion King? And "And He Shall Smite the Wicked" from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", the intro of Beauty and the Beast, "Listen With Your Heart" from Pocahontas?
Well guys, I could continue to infinity ( and beyond )!
In short, Disney movies have influenced my whole generation, I think, with all those things.
And here we are: Disney ( and Pixar ) surprised me yet by producing "Up" and "Wall-e", few years ago and now, with its "Frozen", Disney surprised me again.. In negatively.
"The Princess and the Frog".. well, ok, nice plot, bad songs, but ehi! Can happen! But Disney, with Frozen, ( as with "Bolt", "Cars" and second or third numbers generally of big classics ) let me down.
I don't quote "The Brave" for one reason: as Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland", the basic ideas were good, the development has been poor.
But, ehi! Disney didn't just cartoons, it has also done films and, in fact, I feel compelled to mention in a negative way of the kind of irony that it spreads everywhere ( yeah, the same irony that there's in "Pirates of the Carribean", in "The Avengers", in "The Sorcerer's Apprendice" etc etc ).
Disney is changed. Just look at the cartoons, once the Disney cartoons had plots / irony / characters / songs that fascinated young and old. Now, however, in my opinion, the Disney cartoons are created for a public outrageously childish.
If disney had a chart, would be almost as this:
Lol, ok, I'm exaggerating! Probably the great ideas to make great movies are over..That's all! xD
I miss the old Disney movies ( well, not those! I can see them whenever I want! xD I meant that I miss that way of making films )..
"Adora, wake up and smell the hummus!"
New movies will come! There will be, at least, some good title in the bunch! No panic!
*"No-panic" walk*
I'll restart up the discussion again next time.. Have a nice saturday night!
venerdì 11 aprile 2014
Jurassic Park
I have never reviewed anything in English.. but, ehi! sooner or later I'll have to do it! So be kind to me, if I'm wrong something!
So let's get started:
Jurassic Park ( writted by Michael Crichton )
Plot: The story begins with a series of incidents involving strange animal attacks in Costa Rica and on Isla Nublar. Our protagonist, Alan Grant, paleontologist, identifies one of the species as a Procompsognathus. Alan Grant and his paleobotanist Ellie Sattler are invited to a remote island off the coast of Costa Rica by John Hammond (owner of InGen ) with a mathematician and chaos theorist, Ian Malcolm, and a lawyer representing the investors, Donald Gennaro.
Their destination is Jurassic Park, a theme park showcasing cloned dinosaurs. The animals have been recreated using damaged dinosaur DNA found in blood inside of mosquitoes fossilized and preserved in amber ( thanks to genetic engineering ). Recent events in the park have spooked Hammond's investors, so, to placate them, Hammond means for Grant and Sattler to act as fresh consultants. With them, Hammond invited even his grandchildren, Tim and Lex, for a sightseeing tour in the park.
While touring the park with the children, Grant finds a Velociraptor eggshell, which seems to prove Malcolm's earlier assertion that the dinosaurs have been breeding against the geneticists' design. The park's controller detect that their dinosaurs are many more than before. In the midst of this, the chief programmer of Jurassic Park's controlling software, Dennis Nedry, attempts corporate espionage for Lewis Dodgson, a geneticist and agent of InGen's archrival, Biosyn. By activating a backdoor he wrote into the park's computer system, Nedry manages to shut down its security systems and steal frozen embryos. However, during a sudden tropical storm, he exits his stolen vehicle to get his bearings and is killed by a Dilophosaurus. Without Nedry to reactivate the park's security, the electrified fences remain off and dinosaurs escape.
Our protagonists are attacked from Tyrannosaurus Rex, whereby Grant and the children become lost in the park.
Malcolm is gravely injured during the incident, but is soon found by Gennaro. The park's upper management struggle to return power to the park, while the veterinarian, Dr. Harding, takes care of the injured Malcolm.
After a long travel, with sporadic attacks from T-Rex, Grant and the children return to visitors centre, where people inside defend themselves from attacks of Velociraptor, because Grant must advise a ship bound for another residential area than there are dinosaurs on board.
All protagonists, finally, are together, but they still have to find the nests of velociraptor and, in the conclusion, before boarding helicopters, the group tell the Costa Rican air force that the dinosaurs had been killing people. The air force then say that the island is dangerous and releases napalm over the island, destroying it and the dinosaurs.
Malcolm and Hammond die.
In 1993 Jurassic Park comes to the Cinema. I literally loved it. I think it's one of the best movies never comes to Cinema, with its animations, its soundtracks etc. Spielberg did a great job, better than latest movies, where unpleasant animations rule!
Years later 1993, I wanted to read the book that inspired the movie that I love so much and.. Woah! I really find it amazing, fluent, with sensational developments! I loved it as I loved the movie.
Michael Crichton has created a world as wonderful as the real, reason why I recommend his book to all of you.
So let's get started:
Jurassic Park ( writted by Michael Crichton )
Plot: The story begins with a series of incidents involving strange animal attacks in Costa Rica and on Isla Nublar. Our protagonist, Alan Grant, paleontologist, identifies one of the species as a Procompsognathus. Alan Grant and his paleobotanist Ellie Sattler are invited to a remote island off the coast of Costa Rica by John Hammond (owner of InGen ) with a mathematician and chaos theorist, Ian Malcolm, and a lawyer representing the investors, Donald Gennaro.
Their destination is Jurassic Park, a theme park showcasing cloned dinosaurs. The animals have been recreated using damaged dinosaur DNA found in blood inside of mosquitoes fossilized and preserved in amber ( thanks to genetic engineering ). Recent events in the park have spooked Hammond's investors, so, to placate them, Hammond means for Grant and Sattler to act as fresh consultants. With them, Hammond invited even his grandchildren, Tim and Lex, for a sightseeing tour in the park.
While touring the park with the children, Grant finds a Velociraptor eggshell, which seems to prove Malcolm's earlier assertion that the dinosaurs have been breeding against the geneticists' design. The park's controller detect that their dinosaurs are many more than before. In the midst of this, the chief programmer of Jurassic Park's controlling software, Dennis Nedry, attempts corporate espionage for Lewis Dodgson, a geneticist and agent of InGen's archrival, Biosyn. By activating a backdoor he wrote into the park's computer system, Nedry manages to shut down its security systems and steal frozen embryos. However, during a sudden tropical storm, he exits his stolen vehicle to get his bearings and is killed by a Dilophosaurus. Without Nedry to reactivate the park's security, the electrified fences remain off and dinosaurs escape.
Our protagonists are attacked from Tyrannosaurus Rex, whereby Grant and the children become lost in the park.
Malcolm is gravely injured during the incident, but is soon found by Gennaro. The park's upper management struggle to return power to the park, while the veterinarian, Dr. Harding, takes care of the injured Malcolm.
After a long travel, with sporadic attacks from T-Rex, Grant and the children return to visitors centre, where people inside defend themselves from attacks of Velociraptor, because Grant must advise a ship bound for another residential area than there are dinosaurs on board.
All protagonists, finally, are together, but they still have to find the nests of velociraptor and, in the conclusion, before boarding helicopters, the group tell the Costa Rican air force that the dinosaurs had been killing people. The air force then say that the island is dangerous and releases napalm over the island, destroying it and the dinosaurs.
Malcolm and Hammond die.
In 1993 Jurassic Park comes to the Cinema. I literally loved it. I think it's one of the best movies never comes to Cinema, with its animations, its soundtracks etc. Spielberg did a great job, better than latest movies, where unpleasant animations rule!
Years later 1993, I wanted to read the book that inspired the movie that I love so much and.. Woah! I really find it amazing, fluent, with sensational developments! I loved it as I loved the movie.
Michael Crichton has created a world as wonderful as the real, reason why I recommend his book to all of you.
mercoledì 9 aprile 2014
These days haven't been very nice, for me, for one and simply reason: pain!
Nope, I don't mean that guy from Akatsuki, I mean dizziness, sore throat and cuts ( and, again, NO! I haven't cut myself! ).
I have to thank my boyfriend for these gifts that he wanted to share with me, cuts apart ( you, bastard! ).
No, jokes aside, we did the barbecue, Saturday.. I probably caught a chill that day.
Anyway, it was a pleasant day ( with my boyfriend's family, my family and some friends ) even if I only did two pictures..
Look! Misa's hand! :D ( nope, not Midas! Those are french fries, not ingots! )
That afternoon, however, we discovered that Mugiwara was sickly and, obviously, the next day I was sick too. xD
.. Indeed, I was sick and bleeding!
Yeah, Adora has forgotten how to walk ( as well as Peter Griffin has forgotten how to sits ).. Gwaa!
My leg and edge of the cabinet quarreled ( and the cabinet won ).. Nothing to worry about, I just bled.
These days there are also many positive things, like "Paincake" ( as my boyfriend calls them ).. Of course, despite blood / pain / illness, Mugiwara has prepared breakfast twice ( and what a breakfast! ).
Obviously I've covered everything with Nutella ( he, instead, chose the honey ).. I never change! I would put Nutella everywhere!
Well, have a nice day ( and, if you can, a paincake )!
These days haven't been very nice, for me, for one and simply reason: pain!
Nope, I don't mean that guy from Akatsuki, I mean dizziness, sore throat and cuts ( and, again, NO! I haven't cut myself! ).
I have to thank my boyfriend for these gifts that he wanted to share with me, cuts apart ( you, bastard! ).
No, jokes aside, we did the barbecue, Saturday.. I probably caught a chill that day.
Anyway, it was a pleasant day ( with my boyfriend's family, my family and some friends ) even if I only did two pictures..
Look! Misa's hand! :D ( nope, not Midas! Those are french fries, not ingots! )
That afternoon, however, we discovered that Mugiwara was sickly and, obviously, the next day I was sick too. xD
.. Indeed, I was sick and bleeding!
Yeah, Adora has forgotten how to walk ( as well as Peter Griffin has forgotten how to sits ).. Gwaa!
My leg and edge of the cabinet quarreled ( and the cabinet won ).. Nothing to worry about, I just bled.
These days there are also many positive things, like "Paincake" ( as my boyfriend calls them ).. Of course, despite blood / pain / illness, Mugiwara has prepared breakfast twice ( and what a breakfast! ).
Obviously I've covered everything with Nutella ( he, instead, chose the honey ).. I never change! I would put Nutella everywhere!
Well, have a nice day ( and, if you can, a paincake )!
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